Publié le 18 février 2022 | Mis à jour le 18 février 2022

Numerical simulation of the dynamo effect in the von Kármán sodium turbulent flow

(Credits : Caroline Nore (LISN, Univ. PSaclay), Daniel Castanon Quiroz (Laboratoire de Mathématiques Dieudonné, Nice), Loic Cappanera (Houston Univ., USA) et Jean-Luc Guermond (TAMU Univ, USA)) Keywords : Magnetohydrodynamics. Dynamo effect. Numerical simulation.

Numerical simulation at Re=10ˆ5 and Rm=10ˆ2 using iron impellers. Streamlines of time-averaged magnetic field generated by dynamo action in the von Kármán sodium turbulent flow colored by the vertical component. This image was chosen to cover the Jean Zay supercomputer in 2019.

Associated Publication:
C. Nore, D. Castanon Quiroz, L. Cappanera and J. L. Guermond : Numerical simulation of the Von-Kármán-Sodium dynamo experiment, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, volume 854, pp. 164–195 (2018), doi:10.1017/jfm.2018.582