Appel à candidatures | Recherche, Emploi

Postdoc on Turbulent boundary condition for floating offshore wind turbine simulation: coupling wind tunnel data to aeroelastic codes

Du 2 septembre 2024 au 1 septembre 2025

LHEEA, Centrale Nantes, Nantes, France
Contacts : Laurent Perret,

The main objective of this project is to further develop a new methodology to generate inflow conditions for aerodynamics and aeroelastic codes for floating offshore wind turbines operating in the wake of an upstream wind turbine. Accounting for the correct characteristics of the oncoming wind is crucial for the accuracy of aeroelastic simulations. Promising results have been obtained in previous work (, based on directly coupling wind tunnel experiments to an aeroelastic code. The goal of the opening position is to further improve this approach, in particular by assessing the potential of using high-speed stereoscopic PIV, as well as investigating the degree of representativity of the generated inflow conditions required to perform satisfactory aeroelastic simulations.

 See attached document