Ateliers / Séminaires, Colloque / Séminaire, Conférence, Cours, Ecole

Workshop "Crossed Pathways in Turbulence”, at the occasion of the 60th birthdays of Jean-François Pinton and Alain Pumir 6-7 Sep 2019, Lyon, France

Du 6 septembre 2019 au 7 septembre 2019

ENS de Lyon
Descartes campus

This workshop aims at gathering worldwide scientists having made significant contributions in recent advances at the crossing between turbulence, statistical physics and biophysics.

Understanding fluid turbulence is often depicted as one of the last mystery to be unraveled in classical physics. Several recent advances in this field will be presented during this two-days conference by recognized experts in the field of fluid turbulence. The cross-fertilization between fluid turbulence and other topics such as statistical physcis or biophysics will also be at the heart of this conference: several tools and concepts involved in fluid turbulence modeling have been applied or borrowed from other fields.
A special session will be dedicated to the contributions of Alain Pumir and Jean-François Pinton, at the occasion of their 60th birthday.

The conference will be hosted at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Descartes building
from Friday 6th September 2019 to Saturday 7th September 2019.

More informations and registration