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Thèses et Post-docs

  • 01 OCT
    The present PhD project focuses on experimentally investigating the role of incomingturbulence on an isolated bluff body. The study will be conducted in the IMFT wind tunnelto allow for a wide range of Reynolds numbers, and an active turbulence grid mounted at thetest section inlet will generate the various turbulent inflows (1%characterization downstream different turbulence grid configurations, similar to [8], will enableto determine scenarios of interest, including homogeneous, heterogeneous and unsteady (e.g.gusts) inflows. The effect of these various inflow conditions on a rigidly-mounted bluff bodycan subsequently be investigated, in terms of resulting aerodynamic forces and velocitymeasurements in the wake. By introducing a single degree of freedom to the bluff body’smotion, fluid-structure interactions, such as vortex induced vibrations, can then be studiedthrough the bluff body’s displacement, and velocity measurements in the wake.
  • 01 OCT 30 SEPT
    A PhD offer on the topic of non-geostrophic effects on Lagrangian dispersion in the ocean is opening at Unité de Mécanique de Lille (UML). The project, related to SWOT satellite and based on high-resolution global-ocean simulations, will be conducted at UML in Lille, in collaboration with Guillaume Lapeyre at Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (Paris).
  • 01 OCT 30 SEPT
    An experimental project about the generation and characterisation of an atmospheric boundary layer aiming to study the stability of drones within it.
  • 01 SEPT 31 AOÛT
    Fluid-structure interactions (FSI) in a nuclear reactor core involve thermalhydraulics mechanisms at different scales. FSI simulations at the local (CFD) scale are feasible only for reduced domains. Such domains must however be representative of the actual core conditions. A multi-scale approach is therefore required to understand how to consistently simulate the core thermalhydraulics and the related FSI phenomena.
  • 01 SEPT 31 AOÛT
    un ATER est ouvert au laboratoire de mécanique des fluides de Lille et à centrale Lille.
  • 01 SEPT 31 AOÛT
    I have a fully-funded PhD studentship available in experimental geophysical fluid dynamics at the University of St Andrews (School of Mathematics and Statistics): "Emergence and equilibration of zonal winds on giant planets: a wave-mean flow interaction approach". It is open to UK and international students, and the anticipated start date is September 2025.
  • 01 SEPT 31 AOÛT
    Un sujet de thèse (ci joint) sur la simulation d'évènements rare en turbulence est ouvert au Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluide. Il s'adresse à des étudiants de master 2 de mécanique des fluides, de physique ou de mathématique appliqué avec de bonnes bases en dynamique des fluides et en simulation numérique.A PhD position is open in the Laboratoire de Mécanique des fluides de Lille. It concerns the use of rare event simulation methods for the study of multistable jet.Interested student can contact the supervisor with a CV and the email address of lecturers/supervisors that can write recommendations
  • 01 AVR 30 SEPT
    Projet de thèse (début printemps/automne 2025) ou postdoc (début automne 2025) intitulé:Étude expérimentale de la fonte des glaces en environnement salin stratifié : impact d'un écoulement moyen turbulent et application à la fonte des plateformes glaciaires antarctiquesProjet financé par le projet européen ERC IceAblation. Plus d'informations dans le document en PJ. Merci de m'envoyer un CV, résumé des cours choisis et notes d'examen, et une lettre de motivation (1 page).**************************PhD (sprint/fall 2025 start) or postdoc (fall 2025 start) project entitled:Laboratory modelling of ice melting in stratified salt water: impact of a turbulent mean flow and application to the melting of Antarctic ice shelvesProject funded through the european project ERC IceAblation. See the attached document for more information. Applications should include a short cover letter (1 page), academic transcripts and a CV.
  • 03 FÉVR 01 JUIL
    This internship focuses on investigating wall-bounded turbulent flows for heat transfer enhancement applications. The project involves numerical simulations and data analysis to understand the fundamental mechanisms of near-wall turbulence and their impact on heat transfer efficiency.
  • 01 FÉVR 01 JUIL
    The postdoctoral fellow will contribute to the development of a stochastic, data-driven model capable of generating high-resolution 3D+1 wind velocity fields. The research will focus on coupling coarse-grid mechanistic simulations with high-frequency local data assimilation using ensemble Kalman filtering techniques. A key challenge will be to reproduce the intermittent, multifractal nature of turbulent flows, crucial for accurate dispersion models in agroecology.
  • 01 JANV 01 JUIL
    The exchange of viscous fluids induced by a Rayleigh-Taylor instability (RTI) in a confined environment is encountered in a variety of geophysical and industrial problems. For instance, this type of flow is suspected to control the distribution of magma and gas (SO2) released in some types of volcanic eruptions (Stevenson & Blake 1998). Similarly, these exchange flows modify the pressure drop in secondary or enhanced hydrocarbon recovery processes (Joseph et al. 1997).
  • 01 SEPT 31 AOÛT
    The wind turbine production in a floating wind farm depends essentially on its position, the wind and the state of the sea. The influence of the state of the sea, in particular, is poorly known, because it has not been an influential factor in the development of installed wind farms. First of all, the influence of the movement of the platform directly affects the production capacity of the wind turbine. But beyond that, it induces significant modifications to the wake, and in the context of commercial farms, where the turbines are not widely spaced, leads to interactions between turbines which are still unknown. As Numerical simulations are very expensive, from numerical simulation and historical data, the environmental conditions can be modeled by stochastic models which are faster to simulate. hus, by combining these stochastic models with the physical model, it is possible to evaluate the uncertainty relating to the key parameters (extractable energy, wake topology).



  • 01 SEPT
    La personne recrutée effectuera ses enseignements à l'Ensma (école d'ingénieurs en mécanique et aérotechnique) dans le dept Mécanique des Fluides et Aérodynamique.Elle effectuera sa recherche au sein de l'institut Pprime dans l'équipe Curiosity. Son activité s’appuiera sur des développements expérimentauxdans une démarche duale air-eau (canal hydraulique et soufflerie haut Reynolds) autour des problématiques d’efficience énergétique dans les domaines du transport et de la production d’énergie.