Ateliers / Séminaires, Colloque / Séminaire, Conférence, Cours, Ecole

Session Turbulence et Plancton, EGU 24-28 avril 2023

Du 24 avril 2023 au 28 avril 2023

François G. Schmitt    

Session sur "Turbulence et plancton", à l'assemblée générale de l'EGU - European Geosciences Union, à Vienne (Autriche)

 We invite you to be part of our EGU23 session NP6.4, entitled "Turbulence and Plankton": 

This interdisciplinary session will welcome works from marine ecologists, oceanographers, fluid-dynamicists, physicists and mathematical modellers. Contributions in the fields of observation, laboratory experimentations, numerical models (such as Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations of non-spherical or motile particles) are welcome. Both phytoplankton and zooplankton will be considered, as well as marine and freshwater studies.

The list of sessions and information for abstract submission can be found here:

The deadline for the abstract submission is 10 January 2023.
Looking forward to meeting you at EGU23!

The Turbulence and Plankton conveners team:
Francois G Schmitt
Enrico Calzavarini
Martin Bees
Eric Climent